Dark Matter InsurTech, LLC is honored and privileged to have Eric Winch, E&S industry veteran, as our Co-Founder and CSO.

A Career of Industry Automation Continues....
Eric is considered by many to be the 'Godfather of the modern E&S management system'. As founder and architect at Custom Insurance Solutions (CIS), Eric created the AIM agency management system which sold to Vertafore in 2004. To this day, there is approximately $25B in gross written premium processed by that platform. Through the wide variety of implementations and customer environments seen by the CIS and Vertafore teams deploying and supporting AIM, Eric quickly became a fixture and leader in E&S automation. His tireless dedication to his MGA and Wholesale customers is legendary, and can ultimately be cited as the reason why his attempt to retire was unsuccessful. With still so much opportunity and solutions yet to be realized, Eric continues to seek ways to reduce friction in the E&S transaction for the ultimate benefit of the entire industry. At Dark Matter InsurTech, Eric is building on his career's legacy by helping design and architect meaninfgul and impactful products for the modern specialty intermediary looking to not just survive, but to compete, win, and grow in today's market. We are thankful to have him on the Dark Matter InsurTech team!